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SFL Image02

The RPGIV for the Subfile Image program

      //   ___             _    _     __ __             _    _        *
      //  | . > ___  ___ _| |_ | |_  |  \  \ ___  _ _ _| |_ <_>._ _   *
      //  | . \/ . \/ . \ | |  | . | |     |<_> || '_> | |  | || ' |  *
      //  |___/\___/\___/ |_|  |_|_| |_|_|_|<___||_|   |_|  |_||_|_|  *
      //                                                              *
      //  A program to  show a subfile that can link to images.       *
      //                                                              *
      //                                                              *
      //                                                              *
      //  10/2010                                 booth@martinvt.com  *
      // COMMENTS   This program uses MOUBTN() to click F8 to pick    *
      //            a subfile line for linking to an image.           *
      //            It uses the PC Client's file extension default    *
      //            to open the image.                                *
      //                                                              *
      //            (I suppose it could open any file.  I know if     *
      //             one uses a filename of "NOTEPAD" then            *
      //             NOTEPAD.EXE opens with a blank panel.)           *
      //                                                              *
      //  Note:  This program uses STRPCCMD.  STRPCCMD uses a command *
      //         parm of 123 characters.  This is normally a problem  *
      //         but solving it is not part of this demo.             *
      //         -= be warned =-                                      *
      //                                                              *
     H COPYRIGHT('Booth Martin, All rights reserved.')
     H option(*nodebugio) dftactgrp(*no) actgrp(*new)

     FSFLIMAGED cf   e             workstn sfile(SFL1 : SF1NUM)
     FSFLIMAGEP if   e             disk

     D STRPCOflag      s               n
     D wNdx            s             10i 0

     D QCMDEXC         PR                  ExtPgm('QCMDEXC')
     D  wCommand                  32702A   const options(*varsize)
     D  wLength                      15P 5 const
     D wCmd            s           1000    varying

      // MAINLINE-BEGIN                                                     *
       exsr S1Fill;
       // Display screen.
       exsr S1Main;
       // Exit.
       exsr ExitPgm;
       // MAINLINE-END                                                       *
       //-------------------------------*  Sub-Routine  *
       // *inzsr()                      *---------------*
       // Initializing sub routine                      *
       begsr *inzsr;
       //-------------------------------*  Sub-Routine  *
       // ExitPgm()                     *---------------*
       // end of processing                             *
       begsr ExitPgm;
         *inlr = *on;
       //-------------------------------*  Sub-Routine  *
       // S1Main()                      *---------------*
       // Screen - Main processing.                     *
       begsr S1Main;
         // Loop until exit.
         dow *inkc = *off;
           //   Display screen.
           write S1CMD;
           exfmt S1;

             // F3=Exit.
           when *inkc = *on;
             // F8 on either by key or by mouseclick, and on a subfile line.
           when *inkh and SF1PICKED > 0;
             exsr SFL1Link;

       //-------------------------------*  Sub-Routine  *
       // SFL1Link()                    *---------------*
       // Link to the images.                           *
       begsr SFL1Link;
         // Start PC Organizer if not started.
         if STRPCOflag = *off;
           wCmd = 'STRPCO PCTA(*NO)';
           callp(e) QCmdExc(wCmd: %len(wCmd) );
           STRPCOflag = *on;

         chain SF1PICKED SFL1;
         if HAVEFILE = '*';
           wCmd =
               'STRPCCMD PCCMD('
               + '''rundll32 shell32,ShellExec_RunDLL '
               + %trim(SERVERLOC) + %trim(FILENAME)
               + ''') PAUSE(*NO)';
           QCmdExc(wCmd: %len(wCmd) );
           // do whatever you want to when there is no hit.
       //-------------------------------*  Sub-Routine  *
       // S1Fill()                      *---------------*
       // Screen - Fill screen.                         *
       begsr S1Fill;
         // Clear subfile.
         *in50 = *on;
         write S1;
         *in50 = *off;
         // Fill SFL.
         SF1NUM = *zero;
         // Fill the subfile.
         //   Read the file.
         setll *start SFLIMAGEP;
         read(e) SFLIMAGEP;
         dow %eof = *off;
           SF1NUM = SF1NUM + 1;
           if SERVERLOC <> *blanks or FILENAME <> *blanks;
             HAVEFILE = '*';
             *in31 = *on;
             HAVEFILE = *blanks;
             *in31 = *off;
           write(e) SFL1;
           read(e) SFLIMAGEP;

         // No records?
         if SF1NUM = *zero;
           SF1NUM = 1;
           DESCRIPT = 'No records in file';
           write(e) SFL1;

         // Save values.
         SF1RECS = SF1NUM;
         SF1TOP = 1;

The DDS for the Screen

      *   ___             _    _     __ __             _    _        *
      *  | . > ___  ___ _| |_ | |_  |  \  \ ___  _ _ _| |_ <_>._ _   *
      *  | . \/ . \/ . \ | |  | . | |     |<_> || '_> | |  | || ' |  *
      *  |___/\___/\___/ |_|  |_|_| |_|_|_|<___||_|   |_|  |_||_|_|  *
      *                                                              *
      *  A program to show a subfile with abilty to                  *
      *    display images.                                           *
      *                                                              *
      *                                                              *
      *   10/2010                                booth@martinvt.com  *
                                            DSPSIZ(24 80 *DS3)
                                            MOUBTN(*ULD CF08)
                R SFL1                      SFL
                  PRODUCTID R        O  9  2
                  HAVEFILE       1   B   + 1DSPATR(PR UL)
       N31                                  DSPATR(ND)
                  DESCRIPT  R        O   + 1
                  SERVERLOC R        H
                  FILENAME  R        H
                R S1                        SFLCTL(SFL1)
       N50                                  SFLDSP
       N50                                  SFLDSPCTL
       N50                                  SFLEND(*SCRBAR *MORE)
        50                                  SFLCLR
                                            RTNCSRLOC(&PM_RCD &PM_FLD)
                  PM_RCD        10A  H
                  PM_FLD        10A  H
                  SF1NUM         4S 0H
                  SF1RECS        5S 0P
                  SF1PICKED      5S 0H
                  SF1TOP         4S 0H      SFLRCDNBR(CURSOR *TOP)
                                        1  3'  _____       __    _____ __      -
                                              ____                         '
                                        2  2'  / ___/__  __/ /_  / __(_) /__   -
                                              /  _/___ ___  ____ _____ ____ '
                                        3  2'  \__ \/ / / / __ \/ /_/ / / _ \  -
                                              / // __ `__ \/ __ `/ __ `/ _ \'
                                        4  2' ___/ / /_/ / /_/ / __/ / /  __/  -
                                            _/ // / / / / / /_/ / /_/ /  __/'
                                        5  2'/____/\__,_/_.___/_/ /_/_/\___/  /-
                                            ___/_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/\__, /\___/ '
                                        6  2'                                  -
                                                               /____/       '
                                        1 69DATE
                                        2 69TIME
                                        3 69'system i'
                                        4 69USER
                                        8  2'Product ID     '
                                         + 1'*'
                                         + 1'Description'
                R S1CMD
                                       22  2'                                  -
                                       23  3'F3=Exit'
                                         + 3'F8=Show Image'
                                       23 60'"*"=Image Available'

The DDS for the Data File

      *   ___             _    _     __ __             _    _        *
      *  | . > ___  ___ _| |_ | |_  |  \  \ ___  _ _ _| |_ <_>._ _   *
      *  | . \/ . \/ . \ | |  | . | |     |<_> || '_> | |  | || ' |  *
      *  |___/\___/\___/ |_|  |_|_| |_|_|_|<___||_|   |_|  |_||_|_|  *
      *                                                              *
      *  A file for the subfile image demo program.                  *
      *                                                              *
      *  10/2010                                 booth@martinvt.com  *

                R RSFLIMAGEP
                  PRODUCTID     15
                  DESCRIPT      30
                  SERVERLOC     70
                  FILENAME      70 


The RPG (not free form) for the program

      *   ___             _    _     __ __             _    _        *
      *  | . > ___  ___ _| |_ | |_  |  \  \ ___  _ _ _| |_ <_>._ _   *
      *  | . \/ . \/ . \ | |  | . | |     |<_> || '_> | |  | || ' |  *
      *  |___/\___/\___/ |_|  |_|_| |_|_|_|<___||_|   |_|  |_||_|_|  *
      *                                                              *
      *  A program to  show a subfile that can link to images.       *
      *                                                              *
      *                                                              *
      *                                                              *
      *  10/2010                                 booth@martinvt.com  *
      * COMMENTS   This program uses MOUBTN() to click F8 to pick    *
      *            a subfile line for linking to an image.           *
      *            It uses the PC Client's file extension default    *
      *            to open the image.                                *
      *                                                              *
      *            (I suppose it could open any file.  I know if     *
      *             one uses a filename of "NOTEPAD" then            *
      *             NOTEPAD.EXE opens with a blank panel.)           *
      *                                                              *
      *  Note:  This program uses STRPCCMD.  STRPCCMD uses a command *
      *         parm of 132 characters.  This is normally a problem  *
      *         but solving it is not part of this demo.             *
      *         -= be warned =-                                      *
      *                                                              *
     H COPYRIGHT('Booth Martin, All rights reserved.')
     H option(*nodebugio) dftactgrp(*no) actgrp(*new)

     FSFLIMAGED cf   e             workstn sfile(SFL1 : SF1NUM)
     FSFLIMAGEP if   e             disk

     D STRPCOflag      s               n
     D wNdx            s             10i 0

     D QCMDEXC         PR                  ExtPgm('QCMDEXC')
     D  wCommand                  32702A   const options(*varsize)
     D  wLength                      15P 5 const
     D wCmd            s           1000    varying

      * MAINLINE-BEGIN                                                     *
     C                   exsr      S1Fill
      * Display screen.
     C                   exsr      S1Main
      * Exit.
     C                   exsr      ExitPgm
      * MAINLINE-END                                                       *
      *-------------------------------*  Sub-Routine  *
      * *inzsr()                      *---------------*
      * Initializing sub routine                      *
     C     *inzsr        begsr
     C                   endsr
      *-------------------------------*  Sub-Routine  *
      * ExitPgm()                     *---------------*
      * end of processing                             *
     C     ExitPgm       begsr
     C                   eval      *inlr = *on
     C                   return
     C                   endsr
      *-------------------------------*  Sub-Routine  *
      * S1Main()                      *---------------*
      * Screen - Main processing.                     *
     C     S1Main        begsr
      * Loop until exit.
     C                   dow       *inkc = *off
      *   Display screen.
     C                   write     S1CMD
     C                   exfmt     S1

     C                   select
      * F3=Exit.
     C                   when      *inkc = *on
      * F8 on either by key or by mouseclick, and on a subfile line.
     C                   when      *inkh and SF1PICKED > 0
     C                   exsr      SFL1Link
     C                   endsl
     C                   enddo
     C                   endsr

      *-------------------------------*  Sub-Routine  *
      * SFL1Link()                    *---------------*
      * Link to the images.                           *
     C     SFL1Link      begsr
      * Start PC Organizer if not started.
     C                   if        STRPCOflag = *off
     C                   eval      wCmd = 'STRPCO PCTA(*NO)'
     C                   callp(e)  QCmdExc(wCmd: %len(wCmd) )
     C                   eval      STRPCOflag = *on
     C                   endif

     C     SF1PICKED     chain     SFL1
     C                   if        HAVEFILE = '*'
     C                   eval      wCmd =
     C                             'STRPCCMD PCCMD('
     C                               + '''rundll32 shell32,ShellExec_RunDLL '
     C                               + %trim(SERVERLOC) + %trim(FILENAME)
     C                               + ''') PAUSE(*NO)'
     C                   callp     QCmdExc(wCmd: %len(wCmd) )
     C                   else
      * do whatever you want to when there is no hit.
     C                   endif
     C                   endsr
      *-------------------------------*  Sub-Routine  *
      * S1Fill()                      *---------------*
      * Screen - Fill screen.                         *
     C     S1Fill        begsr
      * Clear subfile.
     C                   eval      *in50 = *on
     C                   write     S1
     C                   eval      *in50 = *off
      * Fill SFL.
     C                   eval      SF1NUM = *zero
      * Fill the subfile.
      *   Read the file.
     C     *start        setll     SFLIMAGEP
     C                   read(e)   SFLIMAGEP
     C                   dow       %eof = *off
     C                   eval      SF1NUM = SF1NUM + 1
     C                   if        SERVERLOC <> *blanks or FILENAME <> *blanks
     C                   eval      HAVEFILE = '*'
     C                   eval      *in31 = *on
     C                   else
     C                   eval      HAVEFILE = *blanks
     C                   eval      *in31 = *off
     C                   endif
     C                   write(e)  SFL1
     C                   read(e)   SFLIMAGEP
     C                   enddo

      * No records?
     C                   if        SF1NUM = *zero
     C                   eval      SF1NUM = 1
     C                   eval      DESCRIPT = 'No records in file'
     C                   write(e)  SFL1
     C                   endif

      * Save values.
     C                   eval      SF1RECS = SF1NUM
     C                   eval      SF1TOP = 1
     C                   endsr 

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